
For continuous variable, returns the number of data points in fragments. This method is valid only for continuous variables.

In general, a continuous variable may contain several fragments of data. Each fragment may be of a different length. NeuroExplorer does not store the timestamps for all the A/D values since they would use too much space. Instead, for each fragment, it stores the timestamp of the first A/D value in the fragment and the index of the first data point in the fragment. The number of data points in each fragment are returned by this method.





Matlab Example

nex = actxserver('NeuroExplorer.Application');
doc = nex.OpenDocument('C:\Data\MyDataFile.nex');
% get the first continuous variable
cont1= doc.Continuous(1);
% get all the fragment counts
cont1FragmentCounts = cont1.FragmentCounts();